What makes you a Witch?

“What makes you a Witch?”  That was a question recently posed to me; I was a little surprised by the question, and quite honestly a little taken a back.  “What do you mean what makes me a witch?”

It got me to thinking though, what makes me a witch?   In the days of old we were the most respected of tribe members, the other members of the tribe would come to us and ask us for help, either with crops, lovers or enemies.  That was then but what about now?   We have computers to get answers from, courts to seek out justice, steroids to help with our crops and livestock.     So what is our part in society?  Are we witches because we dress in black and wear dark makeup, or because we dress like a gypsy? Before someone gets offended I do not mean gypsy as a derogative term, they too had a place in society, and what group of people filled the void after most witches were destroyed? That’s right gypsy’s.   Still that didn’t answer the question what makes me a witch, way back when we had teachers, those who saw the spark and took us under their wing.  Then just as now they were not always honorable some took advantage of their students as well as their tribes.  Without a teacher to notice me what convinced me that I am a witch.  A friend told me that she believes “there is a witch sleeping in all of us and when it awakens it’s up to us to decide if we want to follow that path or ignore it,” okay but because my witch woke up did that make me one?   I don’t dress like your normal witch, occasionally you will find me with all my rings but that is only when it feels right, my wardrobe consists of more than the color black, unless I pick up weight then I use it to hide the rolls.   My home has a few pixies and fairies in it, I have books, and signs like a lot of us but that does not make me a witch.   I was not taught by a coven, I did take a few courses but for the most I stumbled, and spilled wax on my floor, mixed a few foul smelling herbs and realized that I am left handed and setting my alter up the way a right handed witch does is not for me.  Does that make me a witch?

For me its accepting the responsibility the gods bestowed upon me, they opened up the doors to the massive libraries stood on the threshold and ushered me in, they granted me a peak at what I am supposed to be doing, they gave me a small person to teach, and they showed me that I don’t know all that I thought I did.  They also told me what being a Witch is all about for me, it’s helping others.   I don’t mean doing the occasional love spell, I have people who ask for readings, some ask for spells to get ahead, others just want me to talk to my gods just in case there really something more out there than they have been led to believe.  For me being a Witch is about more than lighting candles, it’s about PEOPLE.   People need healing, protection, love,  and sometimes just the solace of a friendly ear.  I as their Witch am all of that.  Answering questions when they are asked, offering help when I am needed, finding those who are uncertain and helping them find their footing, spreading the word that Witches are not BAD.   We just aren’t scared of doing or saying  the right thing even when the world seems to think it’s wrong.  It’s about teaching my young Jedi the ways of the Force  and appreciating all the gifts in my life the gods have given me.  Yes you all are gifts, and I appreciate each and every one of you.   My role I have recently discovered is spread the word WITCHES AREN’T EVIL, while some call me troublemaker it’s not really trouble I hope to stir.   It is my path to keep us all THINKING about who we are  and what it means to be us, remind you to  use the gifts we have been given.   My gifts may be different than yours but our bond is what keeps us strong we are all brothers and sisters, no matter what gods have called us to be theirs.

Well now I know what being a Witch means to me, what does it mean to you?


See you around the cauldron….Judas

Happy New Year & no drunk driving PLEASE!!

For everyone Partying in Baltimore AAA is offering the Tipsy Taxi Service, its free for rides up to $50.00 and runs till 4 a.m.   The light rail will run until 1 a.m.  I am pretty sure AAA is offering something like this in most states you might just have to check with your local AAA.

So no drinking and driving or Besom riding this Saturday night, those low flying clouds after the fireworks are a killer. NO showing off my friends, there will be some who think it’s fun to do magic while intoxicated don’t its not safe or wise.   Remember that the guy who spilled the drink on your hot looking partner was just as drunk as everyone else so hold off with the I’ll get even with you spells until after the hangover Sunday.

Be safe and Wise my friends remember drunk or buzz driving KILLS, drunk and buzz magic fizzles.

And I’ll See Ya All Round The Cauldron


How ignorance can ruin a friendship

As I sit here beside my cauldron watching the steam rise, I find myself thinking back over the past few days, and it just rubs me the wrong way.  Like riding a besom full of splinters.  Yeah, you get the idea.  Sitting back in my comfy chair, and sipping cider I find myself thinking whatever happened to “peace on earth, goodwill towards men”?  Kate, Kallan and a few others have been commenting on just how rude and intolerant to other people are being.  Is it the economy?  Maybe..personally I believe it’s the “all about me” syndrome.  You know, “I’m right and you are wrong, and if you don’t like my opinion tough”.  Or maybe the gimme, gimme, gimme syndrome, best symbolized by the statement “the one who dies with the most toys wins”. I guess everyone has discovered that eventually those of us who didn’t die have to pay for all of those toys.  Either way it’s a poor excuse for ignorance.

Still not understanding what I’m talking about?  You will.  It all started with a picture on Facebook, that my wife posted…a cute picture at that.  The picture was of my shopping cart, which being the Aquarian that I am is strictly organized.  The comments followed about with the friendly jibs that one would expect.  Until one of my good friends made a harmless comment calling me a  witch.  Well of course being a good friend she knows I am, and I said back to her that there’s no reason to pull in religion and Witch is capitalized.  And here is where things went down hill.  Out of the clear blue another old friend pipes up saying he doesn’t believe Witchcraft and the like practices are really religions because those are more like lifestyle choices…like being vegetarian. Um…oh boy.  So, I calmly informed him yes, it is a religion, and all so has all of the protections afforded religions.  Well he gets more ignorant instead of less, saying “don’t ruin the visual of naked women dancing around a fire under the moon for me”.  Yes, I think I just heard the “OH NO HE DID NOT”.  I explained that his comments were showing a marked ignorance of the faith, and suggested we move to another topic, before he offended someone on my page as I have friends of many religious affiliations.  His heartfelt response was “if others get offended that’s not my problem they don’t worry when they offend me”.  Ok, this is true, the sticky freedom of speech rule gets ya every time.  But he forgot one thing..Freedom of Speech protects your opinion in a public forum, but not if that forum is MY wall.  The government gave us Freedom of Speech, and as humans we are always bitching and complaining about something, but where is the respect?

YOU DO NOT DISRESPECT SOMEONE you claim as a friend in this manner.  You do not spout your hatred for others on someone else’s wall space, especially when your hatred is of religion and sexual orientation.  Now this person I thought was a really good friend.  We grew up together, in the same school from K-12.  I helped him move away from his mother, we signed up to join the military together, (I was denied because of sexual orientation), and this is how he treats me?!  So I did the grown up thing, and DELETED him.  My wife also removed the picture and offensive statements.  Why?  Because the negativity ruined the picture and the fun it had been.  This kept me thinking why did I accept him as a friend in the first place?  It wasn’t like we kept in touch.  He never once wrote while he was in the military.  Hell I didn’t hear from him until last year on Facebook.  Think about that we graduated in 1984 together, and it took 26 years for him to look me up again.  It’s not like my sexual orientation or religious belief changed while he was gone. I also know it is clearly stated on my page what both are, yet knowing how he felt about both he still sent me that request.  And for memory sake I guess I accepted.

I have realized that there are two faces to Facebook. There’s the side where you look up an old friend and say “hey I’ve missed you!” They comment on your status from time to time, and read what you write instead of just hitting the like button. Let me tell you, I will read what you post, I’m not gonna hit that like button just so you see I was there. The other side is where an old friend says “hey I remember that person, I will friend them then go through their friend list to make new friends because I can’t do that on my own. Or worse, they use your friends list to promote their businesses. I have deleted people for that, one guy has a landscaping business, and he used my friends list to promote it, by contacting MY friends sayin “hey I’m a good friend of Judas‘s”, then send them emails and post ads for his work on their walls. That isn’t a friend that’s a user! I don’t need that! You don’t need that!

A friend will listen when you tell them your problems, even if they aren’t in a position to do anything more than listen they will offer their love and help. Your friends will stand by you, check on you when you are ill, when there’s stress in your home. A friend is someone you don’t have to look for because when you need them, their hand is already on your shoulder!

So in closing I would like to remind everyone of two things, one don’t use someone else’s personal space as a medium to spout your hatred of something, and two it’s just as easy to ignore or deny a friend request.  Accept is a weapon we must use wisely.


Happy Solstice, see you around the cauldron




Holiday Cheermysters!! Here we go…AGAIN!

Well our Holiday Cheermysters are at it again, have you seen the latest photo floating around Facebook?  Pretty huh?  And this lovely photo has sent our Kallan on a rant, again, in case no one else is counting that is two in two weeks…NOT GOOD!  http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmypaganworld.blogspot.com%2F2011%2F12%2Frant-alert-merry-christmas-eviction.html&h=9AQGicEOHAQG9Rnnhx0peDXfMyEsEpjtlZevAfPJAylN1iA I stated last week how I felt about his whole “you can leave the country thing”.  Unlike Kallan, I was neither eloquent nor did I give you historical accuracies.  She also touches on a few other articles we have recently seen, which brings me to the point of this blog.

Now just this week, I read a wonderfully well written blog about how we should really just “let it go”, toughen up our skins as it were and let what other religions have to say about us roll off our backs.  It seems that we are no better than they are in some people’s eyes when it comes to standing up against this putting the “Christ in Christmas” crap.  First, let me say that one’s hide tends to get tougher after being whipped enough, and know what?  We have suffered centuries of letting it “just roll off”.  Ask yourself why we Pagans have no religious holidays put on the yearly calendar with everyone else’s or why we feel the need to hide who we are?  Even more WHY do we allow people to bully us into hiding?  Even more why do we allow people to bully us?  Sure, you can say what I’m doing now is trying to bully other people, but guess what if I don’t STAND UP for my rights and that of my child who else will?  Our fluffy bunny people in the Pagan community?  Not likely!  If you don’t protect your rights they will be taken from you, if you don’t defend yourself you will be walked upon.  Will you send me private messages and tell me the best way to protect my child is to hide his star and go along with the crowd?  That may have worked in the past for some, but hello people it’s 2011 and about to be 2012, strengthen your spines & STAND UP!!

I recently read a friends blog about our children being persecuted in PUBLIC SCHOOL because of their faith (read this: http://somethingoddly.blogspot.com/2011/12/bit-of-churchy-rant.html)  I have personally sent letters to my child’s school board members about this exact problem, guess what…haven’t heard ANYTHING.  As a parent of a child who had to fight through this discrimination last year perpetrated by his TEACHER in first grade, to the point this fall, my child was begging us not to send him to school he would “do anything” not to have to go back.  For a seven year old to feel that kind of fear and despair is unthinkable!  Last year he had students tell him he was going to hell because he wore the sign of the devil, my Aunt also told him this last Christmas, he informed her we don’t believe in her devil, and then explained what each point of his star means.  It was so bad last year; we removed him from the bus when the new driver decided the best gift to all of her riding children was a brand new Bible.  We returned it to her, and explained not all of the children follow her religious path, and we thought it an inappropriate gift.  This year has been better, but after a couple statements about the holidays, and a book coming home that started out about pumpkins, and ended with the “true meaning” of the horrors of Halloween we send an email with an essay we found called “You have a Pagan in your classroom:” An essay for school teachers about Paganism by Suzanne “Cecylyna” Egbert, 2000-NOV-2.

Before Thanksgiving I was sitting in the class his teacher read a school approved book about Thanksgiving, it mentions how every culture celebrates a religious form of Thanksgiving, except how the Pagans celebrate it.  I also visited the school library, now this is a library for elementary school children, and what did they have, well a section on religion, but there are no books in that section for my son on Paganism.  They are silently pushing their agenda on our children, and we are letting them.  Some of you even think we should “just take it”?!  Really, do you believe that if we don’t keep defending ourselves someone like Rick Perry is going to give up and leave us alone?  You know damn well he won’t by now most of you have seen the following video about Christmas and attacking gays as well, if not …here ya go take a minute.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PAJNntoRgA&feature=player_embedded


Think he’s joking?  Think he will go away? Pagans wake up and smell the fires the wackadoo’s of the world are stoking, they are picking on us because we are a WEAK group.  We spend so much time on “witch wars” instead of putting our best face forward we detract from OURSELVES!!  We have no recognized holidays, we can’t take off work for our holidays and they aren’t “Federal” holidays so our employers are open, unless you are out and most of us aren’t out because of all the crap that is going on now.  Let me see a show of hands, how many Pagans do we have in congress??

We have been being force fed others belifs for centuries, and we have taken it.  Time for us to put on our grown up pants, grab our brooms and DO something.  If that means sticking to it on the Yule came before Christmas battle I’m in!  Last summer we were attacked in earnest by the DC40 group, you see how well that worked when we combined our energies to protect ourselves and our Nation.  We may not have all been saying I’m in, count on me, but I bet you were doing something, from saying a prayer to lighting a candle guess what?  IT COUNTS!!

These groups are using US as a weapon against our President, why?  Because they are counting on the old fears and prejudices of us being evil.  We have faces, we pay taxes, and we are PEOPLE not caricatures!  When you realize they cannot come up with any other way to oust our President they have turned to religion to attack him.  A few of you now are shaking your head at me, and thinking “Judas you are just stirring things up it’s not that bad”.

My state has passed a resolution that says the tree in the governor’s mansion is to be called a Christmas tree, not a Holiday tree.  Don’t tell me it’s not that bad!  Our kids are singing religious carols in school, why? Because there are no Pagan carols on the top 40 radio stations.  Even the Pope is getting into the act calling Christians “the most persecuted people in the world” really?!?  You’re kidding right, because people do no longer believe what the church and other groups have been shoveling all these years to keep the money coming in?  Honestly try finding Pagan carols on the radio, not going to happen, how many department stores carry Yule cards along the Christmas and Hanukkah cards?  Or decorations with Pagan symbols?  The Pope is upset because crosses and crucifixes are no longer displayed in government buildings, they are being treated poorly.  When was the last time you were at an open government meeting and heard a member of the city council say “Let us pray to the Lord and Lady to guide our decisions?” anyone?  They don’t that’s right, but they do open with a prayer to their own god.

We have service men & women buried in Arlington, how many of you know this weekend is the weekend to lay wreaths on their graves? Go to the following link, the ceremony begins at noon on December 10th!   http://www.wreathsacrossamerica.org/events/escort-to-arlington/

This is something we should be involved in!  Showing everyone we aren’t out there to hurt or harm, but to honor our fallen, as well we should!  As a community we should be INVOLVED we are not asking the world or the United States our own country to convert to our faith.  We don’t go door to door trying to save you or ask for money to support our interests.  We don’t put flyers on your car, or try to save you from the “wrong path” that you follow.  All we ask for is what we have always asked for, to be allowed to practice our beliefs openly and freely.  WE don’t stomp on your beliefs, but believe me WE WILL DEFEND OURS when you stoop to stomping on ours.  Yule is a time for family, community, and PEACE.  Stop taking the crap that is being shoveled on us.  We want our rights and freedoms but to keep them we have to get off our duffs and defend ourselves.  We have veterans that we do a great disservice to by allowing these people to talk down to us.  Our Veterans have fought for our right to Religious freedoms, how insulted are they when we roll over and “take it”?

I’m all for sharing December 25th, it’s been a celebrated day an awfully long time, and you can call it whatever you want as long as I can do the same.  I have Christian friends that I wish a Merry Christmas to from the heart, and they wish me a Happy Holiday or Yule…no one bursts into flames when it’s said.  My problem is with the group that is growing in numbers that want to outlaw even that kind of co-existence.  They seem to believe it’s all or nothing.  They like to give ultimatums.  If my parents were alive they would tell you I’ve never been good with ultimatums.  I know a lot of you out there thinking I don’t know what it’s like, your parents, siblings, co-workers treat your faith this way.  Guess what? Yes I do!  My father was an ex-Baptist and my mother Roman Catholic; it took them many years before they stopped having problems with my sexual orientation and religious beliefs.  By the time I reached my thirties, they realized as long as I was happy, it was ok.  Now my siblings are another story, I have to “extremely religious” older sisters who go to church once a year, you got it Christmas, but they preach to me all year long, my aunt doesn’t go, but it doesn’t keep her from preaching.  My youngest sibling has her own beliefs, and has explained to my nephew that our family are “good witches”; we aren’t like the “bad guys” on TV or cartoons.  My brother who is 11 months my junior is one of the wackadoo’s I am so fondly referring to, we cannot be left in the same room for long periods of time.  As you can see I seldom socialize with my blood family.  My beautiful wife has a whole cluster of religious preaching people on her side of the family as well.  We are well aware of all the pressures that can be applied to someone and how long low some will sink trying to get their own agenda across.

So in closing Pagans, are not GRINCH’S we don’t look for ways to keep your holiday from coming.  Nor am I like Scrooge, I do not believe that anyone who goes around with “Merry Christmas on their lip, should be boiled with their own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through their hearts.”  I feel that you keep Christmas in your way as long as you allow me and mine to celebrate Yule in our way.


See you around the cauldron…Judas

Religious TOLERANCE & Happy Holidays!

Hey you yeah you the dumbshit who stirred up a hornets nest this past weekend on Facebook.   Come here, sit down and keep your mouth shut.  Look I could rehash all the shit that Kallan, Kate, and a bunch of others Pagans have had to say, but I won’t we all know the truth. Atat, ( raises hand to silence) you and your people know the truth as well, you will not face the truth, or admit that you are wrong but you know the truth.  How can I be so sure?  Well pick up any book, you know that thing with pages and words, for you I think pictures are needed as well.  Or since you seem to be so good at just sitting on your arse and using the computer google it, you might be surprised at what you find, it seems there are sites by those who follow your path and they have come to the same conclusion as the rest of us about your so called holiday.  My suggestion try keeping Christ out of December and try putting him say in September, considering all of these sites have his birthday anywhere between March and September.  Might I suggest using the pages from a calendar, and a dart, you get the picture.  Good.

Now to what really got to me in that asinine comment you made.  If Your Customs offend ME than I can go home, and that fact makes you a proud citizen.  I guess you have Native American blood in you huh?  Guess what Sherlock I’m a proud American Citizen too.  I don’t have a green card, I was born in this country just as my parents were, oh and yeah I have a little Native American in me.  Now I understand because of your ignorance towards others, and the fear that they might be right about things that you need to try and pressure the rest of us to change, guess what, get a strong grip on yourself, IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN.  And what gives you the right to tell the rest of us if we don’t like something we can just leave OUR country and go somewhere else.  It seems my sad little friend that you are the one who might want to be making travel arrangements because the rest of us are here to stay, yeah I think you are realizing that you are in that one percent who has no clue about what the freedoms of this country really are.  This cool document called the Constitution, I suggest you read it. I understand that it’s a long document with no pictures but in it you will find it mentions things like life, liberty and FREEDOMs, you know like the religious kind.

I am sorry that you feel the only books and documents you need to read are all wrapped up in that little book you picked up off the night stand in a motel six, there is a whole country out here that is full of different religious beliefs, just as it is full of different people, if you wish to stay in our country then might I suggest you start acting like a decent human being.  You know try tolerating us like we tolerate you, it’s amazing what a little tolerance can do.

So in closing let me leave you with this, I AM A PROUD AMERICAN CITIZEN, and because I believe that other American Citizens have the right to practice their religious customs as much as I do no matter what the belief, I am not so conceited that I ignore their feelings about their beliefs so to them I wish a Happy Holiday, and to you others who feel that you are dissatisfied with the fact that the rest of us have just as much right to be here and practice OUR CUSTOMS FREELY, I say KISS MY HOLLY BRANCH!!



The death of oral tradition? One sided history

Why do we know so little about our religious history?  Sure we have the one sided history books written by the winners, what about through the eyes of the losers?   Our history was all lost, I hear ya mumbling because as we evolved we went to a written system and all that came before was either changed or wiped out completely.  I don’t think so we have our mythology books that explain to some extent how we worshipped our gods, and museums are a good place to see some of the ways we did things back then as well.   I just finished a book, Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture by Arthur Evans,  that hit on a lot of fine points, like the fact that homosexuality was something accepted in every culture until christianity got a foot hold.  The writer was redundant about this fact, as I read this book I began to think back to questions that I once had, and the answers that had come to my mind were echoed in this book.

Like why do we hate the environment so much?   Well if we take a look we(meaning us magical peeps) used to worship everything, we were thankful for the life we had and all that surrounded us.  We believe as we do now that everything is alive, and our magical energy came from all that around us, the plants, tree’s, grass sky water, it all had a living presence and we could feel it, tap into it, become one with it.  Then the christians came along and began calling us a godless people, they tried everything to stomp us out, torture, burning, hanging, drowning and when that didn’t work they began systematically began taking away our power base.  They began cutting down our tree’s, digging holes in the ground searching for those raw materiel’s, special stones and gems that we held dear.    These religious crusaders hunted our wildlife to extinction, we were told it was for their furs, but think about it, without the loyalty and cunning of the wolf,  strength of the bear and buffalo, and the wisdom of the eagle, let alone the rest of the gods animals our people began to fall, this crusaders had cut off another part of our power base.  We began wearing shoe’s, keeping our selves covered up in clothes, hiding from the strength of the wind instead of dancing with in it.    We were taken from worshipping outside to sitting inside a building and praying to idols, completely separated from nature.  Look at us today, man has trashed this planet so bad we fear to walk across the street barefoot because we are not sure what we might step in, or swim in a stream because we are not sure if it has been polluted or not.  When was the last time you walked barefoot across a field?  I ignore the stay off the grass signs, why? Because the grass is the biggest snitch on the planet, you can tell the moment you touch it what is going on environmentally around it.  You can tell the people who are nature people and who are not, all have green lawns, but us nature children have life in our lawns.  The children can play on it, we can walk on it, we can feel the life flowing through it, those others if you get a chance to step on it you will find no life no energy.  Not like the brown grass where you can tell it’s dead as soon as you see it, no this green is devoid of spirit, and people are putting it everywhere.  Our football fields are mostly covered with plastic grass, sure it looks pretty but there is no life in it.  Today, trees cover about 9.6 billion acres of the Earth’s surface. That is 29.6% of earth’s total land area. Trees once covered almost all of Earth’s land masses.  (Citations:http://ecology.com/features/quietevolutiontrees/quietevolutiontrees.html)  Of course we are now seeing a resurgence of the craft over the years, every time we get close to completely destroying the planet the gods reach out to us all and those who are listening try to repair the damage that has been done.  We are not alone we have our younglings that we can teach, and hope that they will be able to share what we have had to learn the hard way.  This brings me to another point that was hit on in this book.  We have lost our oral traditions, why?  Because unlike print which can be controlled and changed, oral traditions are not as easily corrupted.

Conquer a people, change the way they do things, destroy what gives them power, and take away their one true sources of learning.  AT one time things were handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth, our magic, the way we practiced, we learned by our teacher TELLING us and SHOWING us, not everyone was strong in the craft, that is why some people were farmers, hunters, gatherers, warriors as well.  People looked to their local witch, druid, shaman for answers and medical help.  These magical people kept council with the leaders in the communities.  What was the first thing that Rome did when they invaded?  That’s right kill off our magical people, then they went to work killing off every man, woman, and child who repeated the stories of what had come before.  To be sure that future generations would not question what had happened they wrote it down as “truth”, and every generation that followed has learned the “truth” by reading.  Those who raised questions about what they learn are called troublemakers, heretics, and at one time were thrown in jails.  All of this has been done to keep us from remembering that magic is all around us all we have to do is tap into it.  So the next time you are at the beach watching the strength of the waves as they crash into the beach, take a moment and step into those waves, let your body absorb the power from those waves, the strength of the ocean, and step out into the wind and feel it caress you, walk through tat field barefoot.  Let the power flow through you and you just might find that magic that others have tried to keep from us.

Read more: http://greenanswers.com/q/62267/forests-trees-plants/how-much-earths-surface-covered#ixzz1eU6WQMog

A different Witch’s voice

As you have seen the past two weeks have been both hectic and enjoyable.  I jumped the gun with  the What Makes Your State Great post for Maryland, but it happens.  There have been some personal emergencies for my family that are being handled.  For the Witches and friends who have helped in this time I thank you and am honored to call you friend.  Also, for reasons unknown, my Word program decided to take a 3 day vacation, not sure where it went but out of the blue it decided to come back this morning.  Personally I think it was because I threatened to do away with the computer if it didn’t come back.  My wife on the other hand thinks it’s because I’ve been using the computer as a dvd player and it’s rebelling.  All I have to say in my defense…the computer has a better screen than the tv!  Anyway, the program is back up and so are my notes!

Samhain was fun and busy, we ran from the Saturday before up to the Wednesday after.  Exchanging gifts with family, our little Ninja received a candy filled pinata, I received a book on Witchcraft and the Gay Counter Culture, and my wife received Christian Day’s Witches Book of the Dead.  She managed to finish her book first, and has asked if she could use my blog to tell everyone how much she enjoyed it, considering that she takes the time to edit the blog for me, I figure why not?  Also since I spend a lot of time pointing out our flaws, it seems only fair that nice things get said about us as well.  So here are her thoughts!

After finding staleness in many of the books out there on witches and the pagan culture and magic it was wonderful to see a fresh sense of reverence and joy from Christian Day.  He doesn’t soft pedal his book, it is exactly as the title states a book dealing with the dead.  The time, research and passion that he wrote the book with are just staggering.  As a parent of a young warlock who seems to have an affinity for some of the things that Christian teaches in his book I am more than grateful for this learning tool.  This book I feel is a wonderful, empowering, and not your run of the mill book on magic.  I think if you are sincere, and desire to reclaim some of the power of the Witch you could look far and wide before finding a better guide than Christian Day.

Christian walks you through step by step through a magic that few of us have the bravery or strength of spirit to pursue.  Each chapter is broken into “bite sized” pieces, where we are given the HISTORY, which to me is VERY important to any magical work that I wish to learn.  Not only the history though that is WONDERFUL, but he teaches you the “why” to each step not just the “what”.  He has gone to great lengths to remind readers this isn’t a path to take lightly, just as all magic this is SERIOUS work, one to be walked with intelligence, and caution.

You will find instructions on working with our Victorious, and blessed dead.  About the time you form a question, it will be answered in the following paragraph.  Each chapter is woven together to create a breathtaking tapestry of words.  Christian has poured his heart and love into this Tome of magic, and it’s is evident in every word.  As a mother, and student I was left with few questions.

To Christian, I would like to say a heartfelt THANK YOU for facing all of the adversity and hardships you suffered to put this knowledge into our hands.  Without you there wouldn’t have been a light to guide people down this path.


Until next week when Judas will return with her regular stirrings..see you around the Cauldron

What makes Maryland great?

What makes Maryland GREAT?  WE DO!  That’s right person who lives in this state makes it great.  Sure I could mention the Blue Crabs, Edgar

Allen Poe, or that we are the home of the original capital of the United States

from ( 1783-1784).



We had what some believe the first religious tolerance act,( granted it was not for us pagan people but we are learning) still we had it,( The Maryland Toleration Act, 1649).  And when it comes to dealing with tyranny we are on top of it, just look during the historical war of 1812, (though honestly it happened through September 13-14, 1814) that Marylanders were out gunned at Fort McHenry and after a 25 hr. bombardment from the British Fleet, did we not fly a “hastily sewn over size flag” there showing the British that the victory they had wanted was still eluding them?  This is the state where Francis Scott Key wrote “The Star Spangled Banner” (after those 25hrs.)

Maryland proved that one person could make a difference just look at Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad.


Most recently our governor stated that he was going to push a gay marriage proposal through legislature, so what? One he is catholic, two he received a letter from the archbishop who “explained” to him the Church’s stance on the bill.  His response?   It was not god who elected him but the people of Maryland and it is the right thing to do.


We have the Allegheny Mountains, and Ocean city.  Hun and Wokenfuss candy.  The Inner Harbor, Baltimore Orioles, and the Baltimore Ravens, and Frank Zappa.   And these are but a few Great things about my State.   And if you want to speak like a Baltimorean than just follow this link, http://www.mygrisworld.com/2010/07/to-be-baltimorean.html


I wrote a blog the other night, continuing on my theme about the christian issues with Halloween.  Then I thought again, that just gives them credence, and what a downer.  The last thing we want on our most sacred feast day is to be reminded of how a certain few cannot handle our day.  Instead I decided to ignore them for this night.  Grab a cup of spiced apple cider, pull up that old chair, kick back by the fire, I’ve got candy and doughnuts.  Settle in, think back to your fondest Halloween memories!

My recent ones are the first time our son was big enough to help pass out the candy (he was still too little to go any places other than a few neighbors homes).  It’s really fun to watch little one’s give out candy to other little ones.  Last year was one of the best, since my nephew was born our family tradition is to take the boys together to trick or treat.  Last year, it seems our monsters finally have gotten it down to an art, they take turns ringing the bell or knocking, and yelling “Trick or Treat” at the top of their little lungs.  When the people come to the door or out the door with the candy, our boys critique the decorations.  Letting them know “that spider is great” or “don’t you think the ghost would be better if you put it higher in the tree?”, or my personal favorite from our son “you know, my favorite witches don’t have green skin”.  It’s wonderful to see them think and share their thoughts.

My older memories are of my mother when I was a child.  We weren’t the only ones getting dressed, up she would too!  Even though she was Roman Catholic she really got into the Halloween Spirit as it were.  Each year she would take us out early, or send us up and down the street just to the neighbors that we knew, then she would sit outside dressed up and hand out candy.  This one year she took all the rolls of toilet paper that we had, even called my aunt who lived across the street for a couple of extra’s, wrapped herself up in them and then with our help put ketchup on her and became the MUMMY!  Now she didn’t just give out candy like some, no my mother had to be different.  She would sit in our alleyway, just far enough back that she was out of the light with the candy bowl in front of her.  A sign hung on the open gate stating that people were to come to the side door.  Now anyone who knew us knew the side door was for family only, and that gate was NEVER left open.  Sure enough the kids would start down this dark alley stopping just out of reach of the bowl, then someone always shoved the smallest toward the bowl.  My mom was good at this though, she would let the little ones get candy, then as the older ones reached for the bowl she would suddenly jump up and begin moaning.  Laughing as the kids would run screaming from the alley.  We of course were safely sitting across the street with our aunt watching the fun.  My mom didn’t stop at scarring kids, no not my mom.  She would wander into the street moaning and laying across the hood of any car foolish enough to stop for her.  It is a miracle she never got ran over.  We would laugh all night long!

When we got older my parents decided that taking us all camping was a better idea (there were 5 of us kids after all).  They would spend the whole trip scaring the crap out of us and any of our friends intrepid enough to come with us.

As I take my parents urns down and place them on the altar tonight, these will be the memories I will have, and share with my partner and son.  This is how I will honor my most precious dead.  How about you?

Before we end tonight there are a few things more I would like to share with you.  The first is a rant from my good friend Kallan Kennedy on “Recovering Witches” it is a good read, take a peak! http://networkedblogs.com/p2DzP

Also, our friend Nyx Darksky the publisher of The Witching Hour is looking for submissions for the Yule addition.  If you would like to share your Yule practices, spells, arts, crafts or ideas please email Nyx at : witcheshour@gmail.com

Redeeming Halloween?! I don’t think so.

Just two days left till Kallan Kennedy’s  give way, if you haven’t entered her contest you should hurry up and do so, the wreath she is giving away is BEAUTIFUL. http://mypaganworld.blogspot.com/2011/10/sunday-stew-october-16-22.html

Boredom and Judas are two words that should never go together. Why you ask, well the other night while being one of four people sitting around work, the other 18 had left at lunch time because there was nothing for them to do. I decided to play on the internet, another thing I really should not be allowed to do without adult supervision. It started out harmless enough, with searches for things like baking tips, found what I needed so I went looking for pagan news sites. It was at this dastardly search I found an article from September of this year by Ian Murphy, called, “Pat Robertson: ‘Halloween is Satan’s Night!’- The Rest of the Country:’ Meh’ It seems that http://crooksandliars.com/ian-murphy/pat-robertsons-satan-nightt in “09 Kimberll Daniels reported that “most of the candy sold during this season had been dedicated and prayed over by Witches.” Shows how little she knew, you would be lucky if you could get a group of Witches to agree on what is the best shade of orange for a pumpkin, let alone all of them dedicate and say the same prayer over candy. Folks if we are going to come together and pray over something I have a Mega Millions ticket right here. Anyway this caused me to broaden my search, disclaimer: this search is not for the easily angered, and the writer of this blog cannot be held responsible for any profane words uttered while reading some of the results of said search. Ok back to our blog.

Sooo I typed in the little google box, “religious views on Halloween”, and what to my wondering eyes should appear?  Titles like, “How Halloween can be redeemed,” Should Christians (why does the computer correct the fact that I don’t capitalize the word Christian, but it will not do the same for Pagan or Witch?) participate in Halloween?” and a video, “Halloween? Trick or Treat?” (now that’s a gift I’m wanting)

Do you see us writing articles like “Christmas, boy you guys got his birthday wrong”, or “How the Pagan community can redeem Yule”?

So I decided to use the one that angered me the most, or the fun one if you will “How Halloween Can Be Redeemed.” Funny I don’t really see it needing to be saved. The article starts by stating for those of us who don’t value saints, if they have a collectible price on E bay then honey I’m there. I will try again, “for those who don’t value the saints the purpose behind Halloween has been lost, like celebrating New Year’s Eve, without New Year’s Day. And many Christians (there it goes again) have gotten concerned that things have gotten out of hand. After all doesn’t Halloween glorify evil?”

Whoa brother, step away from the prayed over candy. I have a question for all you god fearing people, why worry about a holiday that isn’t yours to begin with? You don’t see us complaining about you guys glorifying murdering a guy and nailing him to a tree do ya? I mean we know why you are all so scared of death, if I would have killed my gods kid I wouldn’t want to die and have to face him either. As for us Pagans and Witches (see had to do the capitalizing myself!) we don’t glorify death, we accept it, try to understand it, appreciate it, and invite him and his friends in for dinner. We don’t save it just for the sainted few. The article goes on to explain that this day “properly understood” and celebrated with all of its fun trappings, can be away for them to understand their faith. This I agree with, we understand our faith more on this day than any other.

This was my aha I was right moment; the writer states that “Until the ninth century the church celebrated the popular feast of all saints on May 13th, during the season of joy after the resurrection.” Lets take a moment here, so they had a day to celebrate the fact that the dead got up and walked away. It seems they were celebrating their own version of Halloween after all. “in 835 the date was DELIBERATELY changed to November 1, to Christianize (now stop that) the existing Pagan time for remembering the dead.” So they admit that not only is Halloween our day for remembering the dead, but that they deliberately moved their saint’s day to interfere with our holiday. “And how come when they do it it’s because they are “trying to bring light into the world”? when we stand up for our days it’s because we are evil, Sounds a lot like the Christians ( getting frustrated) are trying to Bully the Pagans
This writer goes on to talk about how at Halloween they need to use discernment to separate the symbols to protect their children from some very real dangers. You want to know what the real dangers of Halloween are? Pedophiles, who don’t turn their lights off, and instead try to invite the little children in. I wonder what the religious ratio is on these folks. Lets not forget the candy some people pass out with religious saying on them, no not “trick or treat”, but the ones that have Psalms, and Proverbs printed on them, or little notes attached with passages from the bible stapled to the bags. (See what we started by praying over the candy)
I must agree that at this time of year we see an influx of spooky movies, not all of them have Halloween themes though, there are those with a slasher Santa Claus killing people on Christmas. Why with the spooky though? Maybe because before we had electricity and indoor plumbing, our ancestors would tell these stories to keep the children from wandering too far away from their homes at night.   Honestly lets look at the horror movies, wonder who’s idea it really was to make Halloween horrifying? Bet you find there are a lot of other religions making these movies and very few Pagans.
During Halloween it seems “warped personalities copy malicious acts for fun”, news flash they do that all year-long, not just on Halloween, don’t believe me just watch the news anytime. It seems young people experiment with the occult because of the publicity given to witches and warlocks. Then doesn’t that mean with all the whopla about Christmas young people are going to want to sleep in a field with a bunch of sheep waiting to see an angel? Or are they all going to cram themselves into a local barn waiting for a miracle? Or After seeing Moses on Easter they go around slapping sheep’s blood over the door so the angel of death will pass over them? Or they stand on the banks of the Mississippi trying to part it like the Red Sea? How many of us have watched them reconstruct the crucification of Christ every year? Do they not glorify murder once a year? I hear a pot calling the kettle names.
It seems that we trick or treat because we are “asking for forgiveness from the dead”. NO we don’t, I send my kid trick or treating because I won’t by candy, he gets it from the neighbors and I end up giving most of it back out the next Halloween.  (Ok, so I don’t do that, but hey it’s a money-saving idea right?)  The symbols of Halloween, oh the symbols, the brooms, witches, black cats and skeletons. Oh wait, that is not what they are talking about, no it’s the apple cider, and doughnuts. They figure that just because apples are sacred to Pomona, its okay to enjoy them because their god created them. And I must admit I never knew that doughnuts were created as soul cakes. Christians have no intention on giving up the doughnuts, no matter why they were made. I guess not, you take away the doughnuts and you take away all church functions on Sunday. Don’t believe me walk into any soul cake place, you know them they have great coffee, and love to dunk on a Sunday. They don’t bake the goodies at home like they used to.
Even pumpkins have become come Christianized (okay now its just annoying). It seems that “when they are able to” able to? Who is stopping them? I don’t see a bunch of Witches stopping them from telling their piece of folklore about a mean guy and how he got a pumpkin.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. The costumes should glorify the saints. Who wants to be Joan of Ark? That would be an awesome costume, you can walk around tied to a piece of wood with flames around ya. No the costumes should remind them of the great height they can reach. Where as the skeletons, skulls and trick or treats remind them of their own mortality and their need to pray for the dead. Their they go worried bout dying and praying for the dead again.

But at least they have Jack, their one man morality play, to stand between us and them.
Jack? If they are talking about a certain captain then I think their morality is in deep kaka. No they are talking about Jack, you know Jack, the guy who was given the red coal by the devil because neither place would accept poor Jack. Heaven didn’t want him, because he had cheated the devil, the devil didn’t want him for the same reason. But the kindly devil at least gave him a hot coal to light his way. Jack not wanting to carry the coal in his hand carved a turnip and stuck it in there. So now we have Jack wandering endlessly looking for a resting place. Now that’s the biggest load of bog gas I have ever heard.
And lastly we have the positive message about Halloween, it seems we have it wrong Halloween isn’t about honoring the dead after all, but instead it’s a need for holiness and martyrdom. With all the saints and martyrs going to heaven the place would be full by now. You would think they would leave us alone, it’s obvious we scare them, because no matter how many times they try to stomp us out we always return. They have tortured, burned, drowned, and hanged us and still we rise to a point where they begin to worry about us. They are even trying to overthrow our government to change the laws regarding religions.

Whats next Halloween cards that say Happy Martyrdom? Doesn’t have a good ring to it does it?  In ending let us not forget as it was  noted they changed their holy day to interfere with ours, so I say lets RECLAIM our FEAST DAY, lets decorate, have fun give out candy (no praying) run down to that soul cake shop and get a dozen, carve pumpkins, and Enjoy our day. This after all is the only real day that the world still celebrates with us, so let’s be Happy, especially with all the reasons in this world to not want to be happy, we have to admit that on this day we all seem to be very HAPPY. It’s up to us Pagans and Witches to spread the word, that’s why we say “HAPPY HALLOWEN”, because that is what we wish for everyone, that they be as happy as we are on this day. Spread the “Joy of the Season” it’s a time for frights and giggles.

And for all of you Halloween Redeemer’s out there I have one thing to say.

See Ya Round the Cauldron


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